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Create or Edit a Stage

Insight conceptualizes Stages as periods of time. The Stage feature allows researchers to present different questions and intervention content and use different Insight features at different time points in their study. There is no limit in the number of stages that can be used.



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Create a Schedule

To create a new schedule in a stage, click the “+ Add Schedule” button.


After the details have been added to the Title and Description fields, click “Done.” Other available Question Types can be viewed below:


Self-Initiated Schedule Type


To change the color, click on the color itself, then a color palette will appear. The assessment button color and assessment text color can then be changed.



Fixed Schedule Type

The Fixed Schedule type allows assessments to be scheduled for the participant anytime between their wake and sleep times. These wake and sleep times are set when adding a participant to the Study.


After completing the first form, the second form will allow the selection of days and times for the assessment to be scheduled. An optional Random Offset can be established to the assessment so that the assessment can be schedule before or after a set amount of minutes (i.e., before will be a negative value such as -30 and after a positive value such as 30).



Random Schedule Type

The Random Schedule type allows assessments to be randomly scheduled between their participant wake and sleep times. These wake and sleep times are set when adding a participant to the Study.


After filling out the required fields and clicking “Next”, the Schedule Details form will have two types of Random schedules. Fixed and Participant Offset (further details below):


Random Schedule Type - Fixed Type

Fixed Type for a Random Schedule provides the participant with a random assessment. This Random assessment can be set to occur more than once and with a set number of minutes between each assessment occurrence. It is required to set a time between the participant’s wake and sleep schedule and not outside of these times. Days of the week can be manually selected or can be selected using the “Quick selection.”



Random Schedule Type - Participant Offset Type

Participant Offset Type for a Random Schedule provides the participant with a random assessment delivered by an offset in minutes from the Wake, Preferred, and/or Sleep times. This Offset assessment can be set to occur more than once between the provided time offsets. It is required to set the number of occurrences. Days of the week can be manually selected or can be selected using the “Quick selection.”



Participant Offset Schedule Type


After completing the Scheduling Details, click “Done.”


Notification Rescheduling


Fill out the appropriate fields that are required denoted by “*” on the first section of creating a Schedule.


The last section of the form is where Rescheduling can be enabled or disabled depending on the study design. Fill out fields required denoted by “*” and click “Done.” A dialog box may pop-up asking to save changes made.


The Schedule will appear in the list of created Schedules under that specific Stage. If edits need to be made, simply click on “Edit Schedule” to make changes to the Schedule. Be sure to click save when prompted to avoid losing changes made.



One Click Phone Call

The One Click Phone Call feature is used to initiate a phone call from the Participant phone to a specific phone number (e.g., research staff, nursing staff). Please note, this feature will only work if there is an active service plan and cell phone reception.


If changes need to be made to the phone number, simply click on the “Edit Schedule.”





Existing Stage Schedules

To see existing schedule details in a stage, click the “+” button to the left of the row.


The row will expand and show the existing Schedules, Event Type, Groups, Assessment Name, and Notification Timeout within that Schedule.



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