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Payments tab allows payment schemes to be created and applied to a study.

Percentage involves tracking the percentage of assessments completed within a study period

It can also be used to view all payments created and mark them as paid.

To create a new payment scheme, click on “+ Add payment scheme.”


There will be an option to select

“Percentage” payment type

either a “Percentage” or a “Dollar Amount” Payment Scheme Type.


Dollar Amount

Under review.


Percentage Payment

The “Percentage” payment scheme keeps track of the percentage of assessments completed for the selected assessment schedule(s).

To set this scheme, create a name and select


Percentagewhen creating a new payment scheme.

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The next form will establish the Level Name, Amount (in dollars), and Percentage.

  • Level Name - will appear as text in this payment schedule.

  • Amount (in dollars) - used to define the amount of credit the participant will earn for completing a certain percentage of surveys

  • Percentage - used to define requirements for the minimum percentage of surveys that need to be completed for a specific level of payment

To add Levels, click


Add a


Rowand fill in required fields denoted by “*”.


In the example above, the “75% - 100%” Level Name indicates that the participant needs to complete at least 75% of the total scheduled assessments selected to earn $20.01.

The resulting payment log will look

the same

similar for both Android and Apple users (shown right).


The next form will provide a list of schedules within Stages. To attach this payment scheme, check the box next to the schedule(s) you want to use. After selecting the schedule(s), click




Created payment schemes will appear in the payments tab. Schemes can be deleted by clicking on the red delete icon button next to the scheme.



Payment Progress

Payment progress can be viewed in the app for completed assessments by following these steps: 1) creating a question with the “Payment Log” question type, 2) creating an assessment (or adding the question type to an already created assessment), and 3) creating a self-initiated schedule so that it will appear on the participant’s device.


Part 1 of 3: Create Question

After creating the payment scheme, create a new question by clicking on “+ Add a New Question.”

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Fill in the variable name, select “PaymentLog” for the question type, then continue to the second section of the form.

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Select the percent participation payment log type and click “Done.”

Image RemovedOnce the question has been created, an assessment will need to be created

Once created, the last step is to implement this payment scheme in a Payment Log Question Type. Please go here to find out how to do so: .


IMPORTANT NOTE: In order for a participant to see a payment scheme, it MUST be included in an Payment Log question and that question MUST be included in an assessment. Even if a payment scheme has been created in the study, participants will not see the scheme unless a Payment Log question has been created and put into an assessment.


Part 2 of 3: Create Assessment

To create a new assessment, click “+ Add New Assessment.”

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Complete the required fields and click “Next.”

Assessment Timeout (minutes) –Allows studies to customize how long a specific assessment can be; when using Add/Edit/Clone Assessment operations.Image RemovedImage Removed

After confirming, the next section of form will allow you to add the assessment question called “PaymentProgress” to this assessment. To select this question, click the dropdown and a list of questions that have been created will appear. After selecting the question, click the “Done” button to ensure the question saved.

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After adding the question, click “Save” to create the assessment.

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The newly created assessment will appear in the list of created assessments.

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Part 3 of 3: Create Component

After creating the assessment, a component needs to be created within a stage.

To get started, click on the add component icon.

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A dialog box will appear with fields that need to be completed, select participant initiated. This will create a button on the app home screen. Select the assessment previously created named “Payment Log Example” and select groups that should receive the participant initiated assessment.

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When you click “Next,” a confirmation dialog box will appear. Select “Yes” to save and continue.

The next section allows an assessment to prompt or be available on any selected days. Clicking on the blank field for “Days of the week” will populate a list of days that can be selected. In this example, the payment log can only be viewed Monday through Friday.

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A shortcut to selecting all days, selecting all weekdays, or selecting only weekends can be utilized by clicking on “Actions.”

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Maximum daily attempts are the number of times a participant can view/access the assessment. Interval total attempts are the total number of attempts an assessment can be viewed/accessed per stage. For this example, the payment log can be viewed a total of ten times in the participant’s current stage.

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After completing the scheduling details, the newly created component will appear under the stage it was created.

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Clicking “+“ expands, showing schedule details such as days of the week, maximum daily attempts, and maximum total attempts.

image-20240522-204135.pngImage RemovedTo make any edits, simply click on the edit icon for the specific schedule you would like to edit

Viewing and Marking Payments

This section shows how to interact with payments created.

The Payments tab also displays all payments created for every participant in the study ordered by the date they were created.

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Click on the “View Payments” button to open a dialog box that displays all the payments created.

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Each log will show every payment created across all participants in the study. Each line will show when the payment was created, when the last time the payment was updated, which participant the payment was created for, how much the payment is worth, the status of the payment, and an action to mark the payment as “Paid.”

Clicking on the “+” button beside the log will open up the history of the payment showing the past status and when the payment was in that status.

In the example above, the history of the $1 Paid log shows that the payment was in the “Created” status on 10/24/24 at 2:31:40 PM. The history of the $5 Created log is empty since no action has been taken.



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