Study Info
On the home page, selecting a study will display the study info. This includes the study name, study status, study notes (visible to all EDC users), a dropdown field to view study features, and whether PHI will be collected.
Clicking “Edit Study” allows for general study settings to be modified such as “Info,” “Features,” and “PHI Settings.”
Section 1: Edit Study - Info
Study Name: Title of the study that will appear on the top of the app home screen for participants
Status: Describes the current state of the study as follows:
Development: Study is being built according to your project requirements
Testing: Study is being tested to ensure it functions as intended
Active: Study is collecting live data
Complete: Study has finished collecting live data
Archive: All necessary reports have been saved and the research team no longer has access to the study
Staff Phone Number: The phone number participants can call to contact the research team (if applicable)
Counselor Phone Number: The phone number participants can call to contact their counselor (if applicable)
Notes: Additional information pertinent to the study (i.e., who to contact for inventory refill for tobacco cessation products, who to contact regarding questions on the study).
Note: this information only exists here in the EDC. It does not appear in the app.
Please note, any changes made after the study starts may interfere with study behaviors. It is highly recommended to thoroughly test your study before making the study active.
Section 2: Edit Study - Features
NOTE: Additional features will be available at a later date.
Section 3: Edit Study - PHI Settings
If “PHI Collection” is selected as a study feature, then the dialog box above will offer specific PHI options that can be collected. “Optional” means PHI is optional for collection and “Required” means PHI is required of the participant. The PHI collection will occur during participant creation and is explained in the Participant Management section of this wiki.
In each section, selecting “Next“ saves any changes made in that section. A dialog box will appear with a prompt to save any changes made or to close the form with changes unsaved.
Selecting “Done“ on the final section saves all changes to that section (changes on prior pages have already been saved), closes the form, and returns to the study info page.
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