Panel | |
Our Support Ticket Process |
If you have not been added to Service Desk, ask the Principal Investigator to submit a ticket on behalf of you. They will need to include the email of the individual that is being added to Service Desk.
Once an individual has been added to the Service Desk, they will receive an email from “mHealth Service Desk” to set up an account.
expandPanel | |
Submitting a Ticket |
Customer submits a ticket through Service Desk
Fill out every field
mHealth updates customer within 24 hours on the ticket submitted
mHealth starts researching the ticket
mHealth decides which queue the ticket will be assigned
Development queue
Quality Assurance queue
mHealth provides updates when Troubleshooting begins
mHealth updates the customer with a solution or escalates the ticket
If a solution is provide, the ticket is closed
If ticket is escalated, it goes into the Development queue
Development team researches ticket
Development team provides a fix
Quality Assurance team verifies fix
mHealth notifies customer the ticket is escalated to Release Review for future Releases
If the issue persists after the Release, submit a new ticket
Ticket is closed
Please submit a new ticket if the issue persists or there are residual questions
Note |
If a ticket has been answered by mHealth and the customer has not responded in two (2) Fridays, the ticket will be closed. |
title | How To: Submit a Ticket |
There are three (3) categories of tickets to choose from; pick one (1) to categorize the issue.
After a category is chosen, start detailing the issue in the necessary fields.
Note |
Fill out every field. If this is not executed properly, mHealth will not process the ticket unless all pertinent information is included. |
Summary: a simple statement of the issue being submitted.
Ex: EMA assessment notifying 2 hours later than expected
Description: a concise summary of the issue submitted.
Be as thorough as possible.
If assessments are submitted, include the date(s), time(s), and name(s) of the assessments in question.
Info |
Do not enter Protected Health Information (PHI) |
Study Name(s):
It is recommended to only include one (1) study per ticket as the solution might be different by the study.
Participant ID(s):
It is recommended to only include one (1) participant per ticket as the solution might be different for each individual.
Environment: describes the technical environment of the participant
Phone manufacturer and model.
Samsung Galaxy S7Status colour Green title EXAMPLE: Operating System
App Version
It is helpful to include the app version used when the issue started
Attachment: (Optional).
Uploading a picture can be helpful in understanding the issue the customer is attempting to describe.