Implementing PHI data in the study assessment
This page is only intended for the study assessments with PHI information.
Patient Health Information(PHI) can be added in CMS website. It can be navigated through Participant tab-> Participant Account->PHI. All of those PHI information can be used in the study questions. In the study questions, specific types of variables needs to be used to extract the PHI data. For example, a study participant name can be used to mention in a study question. Variable for a first name from PHI section is FirstName. It is also important to use curly brackets “{}” in using the variables. An example use case for PHI data is shown in below figure.
PHI Data | Variable |
Id | CustomId |
Alias | Alias |
First Name | FirstName |
Middle Name | MiddleName |
Last Name | LastName |
Address | HomeAddressLine1 |
Apt # | HomeAddressLine2 |
City | HomeCity |
Zip | HomeZipCode |
State | HomeState |
Home Phone # | HomePhone |
Cell Phone # | CellPhone |
Work Phone | WorkPhone |
EmailAddress | |
Date of Birth | DateofBirth |