Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

This section provides a review of solutions to frequently asked questions. Listed below are common scenarios that research teams report. If your issue is not listed here nor the main Wiki, please submit a ticket through Service Desk.

When referencing the Wiki, all participants must be using the latest version of the Insight app.



  1. How to reset a password

  2. How to create CMS credentials

  3. How to add team members to a study

  4. How to create and assign a role for a study

    1. Includes the hierarchy of permissions

  5. I’m not able to see _____ tab

  6. How to clear a set-up code error

  7. What to do is CMS tabs do not load

  8. Addressing Missed Notifications

  9. Notification times

  10. What to do if double assessments are scheduled for a participant

  11. How to change a participant’s sleep and waking times

  12. What to do if the participant changed time zones and notification times are skewed

  13. Adding events to a stage consecutively

  14. How to address Greenphire card(s) not processing

  15. Removing double events from participant display

  16. Ensuring no duplicates appear in the CMS

  17. Inputting branching logic in the CMS

  18. Why does a participant’s Facial Recognition analysis still say “Pending” after X amount of days?

App FAQs

  1. How to manually update to the latest Insight app version

  2. Allowing all permissions

  3. What to do if “Start Study” does not disappear from the app home screen

  4. How to resolve app freezes

  5. How to address assessments notifying later than expected

Other FAQs

  1. How to request a change to a project



How to reset a password

Please read below for more detailed instructions

All CMS Users password will expire every 90 days and must be reset; the CMS User account will be locked out if the password is not reset during the allocated time frame.

An email reminder is started 10 days before the password expires.

New Password Requirements:

  • at least 1 uppercase letter

  • at least 1 lowercase letter

  • at least 1 number

  • at least 1 special character from the following: ! # $ % ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

  • minimum length: 12 characters

Do not include the “ & “ symbol within a password. Doing so will deny CMS (Content Management System) login access.

If the password contains the “ & “ symbol, reset the password with the “ & “ symbol omitted. Follow the same Reset Password instructions starting from 2. Go to the CMS login page.

Follow the steps below to reset your Insight password:

  1. An email from “donotreply-insight@insightmhealth.com” is sent notifying the User to reset their password.

  2. Go to the CMS login page “www.insightmhealth.com” and click on Reset Password


3. Type in the Username or email address and click Send Password Reset Link

4. An email will be generated from “donotreply-insight@insightmhealth.com” > click on the Reset My Password link provided


5. A new window will appear; enter new password following format requirements into the designated fields and select Change Password

6. You are redirected to the CMS Insight login page; enter credentials with the new password and go through the 2 Factor Authentication method to gain CMS access.

How to create CMS (Content Management System) Credentials

To request a new CMS user be created, please submit a ticket through the Service Desk; include the individual’s email address where the creation invitation will be sent. Once an invitation is received follow the instructions below:

  1. An email invitation is sent from the email address 'donotreply-insight@insightmhealth.com” with the heading ‘Insight App’ and subject line of ‘Confirm Email’ > Click on Link

2. A new window opens to the below screen > Input the desired username and password into the designated field

3. Ensure the password chosen follow the requirements on screen; if the requirements are not followed, ‘Invalid password format’ and ‘Password do not match’ appear in red

Creating Credentials not Following Requirements

4. Once all requirements are satisfied, the red messages disappear > Select Submit to create the login credentials

Creating Credentials Following Requirements

5. A new window opens to the Insight login homepage > Input newly created credentials into the designated fields and click Login

6. The Two-Factor Authentication webpage appears > a One Time Verification Code is sent to the same email

Two-Factor Authentication Screen

7. Email from ‘donotreply-insight@insightmhealth.com’ sends the One Time Verification Code > Open the email to reveal the code

8. Navigate back to the Two Factor Authentication webpage > Input the one (1) use code and password into the respected fields > Click Verify to login

9. If the user is not added to any study, the screen will appear blank until a PI (Principal Investigator) adds the research member. Once added, the study will appear on screen; login again to verify study access.

CMS User not Added to a Study (blank screen)

How to add team members to a study

Adding a new Research Member to a study is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator; this is executed through the Insight CMS (Content Management System).

If the individual being added does not have CMS login credentials, submit a ticket through Service Desk with their email. The new User will be sent an email invitation to create their credentials. Follow 2. How to create CMS credentials for guidance when creating login information.

When the new User is creating their login credentials, ensure their username is lowercase.

The Principal Investigator needs the individual’s CMS username to input into the Search bar.

  1. Go to the CMS login page “www.insightmhealth.com” and log in > Select Study

  2. Select the Permissions tab (at the top of the webpage) > Click Study Users

  3. In the Search Username or Email field, input the individuals Insight CMS username > Select them from the search bar

  4. Select the Role drop-down > Click on the desired Role > Select Add to Study

  5. The newly added User will appear at the bottom of the Study Users list

Have the individual verify they were added to the correct Study with the accurate Role by logging into Insight.

How to create and assign a role in a study

If a Role with its envisioned permissions has not been created for a study, it is the Principal Investigator's responsibility to create and then assign the Role. A list of Roles in a study is found in the Permissions tab under Groups Rights.

The researcher will need to have a list of permissions associated with the role; although, permissions can be edited at any time.

Creating Role:

  1. Go to the CMS login page “www.insightmhealth.com” and log in > Select Study

  2. Select the Permissions tab (at the top of the webpage)

  3. Select Group Rights > Click Add New Role button

  4. New Role will appear > Select Open to display a hierarchy of permissions

    1.  Edit the “New Role” title by selecting the field and inputting a desired name.

  5. Hierarchy of Permissions:

    1. View: Role is able to view checked tabs

    2. Edit: Role is able to make changes for a specific permission

    3. Delete: Role is able to delete item(s) in a study

    4. Admin: Role is able to view, edit, and delete the permission it is enabled for

      • A check mark indicates the permission is enabled.

        • From the example below, permission “Questions” is enabled on a View level; individuals assigned this role will be able to view but not edit or delete questions in the study.


  6. Click Save when enabling permissions is completed

Assigning Role (New User): Research member has not been added to the Study.

A person envisioned for a Role must have CMS login credentials to be assigned said Role; if an individual has not been created in the CMS, please submit a ticket to Service Desk.

  1. Go to the CMS login page “www.insightmhealth.com” and log in > Select Study

  2. Select the Permissions tab (at the top of the webpage) > Click Study Users

  3. In the Search Username or Email field, input the individuals Insight CMS username > Select them from the search bar

  4. Select the Role drop down > Click on the desired Role > Select Add to Study

    1. If a Role is not created, follow “Creating Role” instructions before attempting to assign the role.

  5. New User will appear at the bottom of the list with its associated Role

Assigning Role (Current User): Current research member switching to a different Role.

  1. Go to the CMS login page “www.insightmhealth.com” and log in > Select Study

  2. Select the Permissions tab (at the top of the webpage) > Click Study Users

  3. Find the desired Research member from the Study User list

  4. Find and Select the Role drop down > choose the envisioned Role

    1. If a Role is not created, follow “Creating Role” instructions before attempting to assign the role.

  5. Select Save

  6. The User is assigned the new Role

I’m not able to see the _____ tab

Verify with the PI of the study you have the appropriate permissions to interact with the desired tab.
If the permissions have been set up correctly, you may need to do a “Hard Refresh”. Here’s how to do a hard refresh on the most common web browsers:





Microsoft Edge





Microsoft Edge

Mac OS

⌘ Com + ⇧ Shift + R
⇧ Shift + click Reload

⌘ Com + ⇧ Shift + R
⇧ Shift + click Reload

Option + ⌘ Com + E



Ctrl + F5
Ctrl + click Reload

Ctrl + F5
Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + R


Ctrl + F5
Ctrl + click Reload

How to clear a set-up code error

When experiencing an error message while setting up a participant on a phone.

  1. Uninstall Insight App > Reinstall App > Reset participant code in CMS > Enter participant code on phone

  • To reset a participants code: Select the study the participant is registered in > Click on Participants tab and find the desired participant > find Setup Code at the top center of the Activity tab > an unlocked lock will appear by the Setup Code > Click the lock > type in “Reset” when prompted and select “Confirm Reset

A participant code can be reset more than once. Anytime the code is used, the lock will appear by the Setup Code if it can be reset. Follow instructions above to reset the participant code.

What to do if CMS tabs do not load

  1. Click on a different tab > Click back to the tab you were initially trying to open

  2. If the above does not work, Click on “Switch” > Click your study > Click back to the tab you were initially trying to open

Addressing Missed Notifications

When a participant has missed a Fixed, Random, or Follow-Up assessment.

  1. Verify the Last Completed Sync date and time is AFTER the Missed Assessment. If it is prior, there will be no data recorded yet for the Scheduled Assessment.

  2. Verify the participant’s sleep time is set before 11:30 PM. Having a sleep time after 11:30 PM interferes with scheduling and notifying assessments.

    1. Additionally, verifying assessment settings as the participant’s schedule may not correlate with the Wake and Sleep time offsets for assessment(s).

  3. Verify the participant’s phone is compatible with Insight.

    1. Here is a link of the list of phones known to be compatible and incompatible with Insight.
      Insight Compatible Phone List
      Note that this list is ever changing and will be updated periodically.

  4. Verify if the participant had the app running in the background.

    1. Enable the “Phone up time and battery” and “App Loaded” filters found under “more filters…”

    2. Tap the refresh button to get an updated view of the participant’s activity.

    3. The “Phone up time and battery” log will look like this:

      These logs describe how long the participant’s phone has been on and what the battery level the participant’s phone is at. These logs will typically generate every 15-20 minutes while the app is running in the background or active.
      Note: Some Android phones will close the Insight app while it’s running the background when the battery level gets low, typically <15%, despite the battery permission. It is important the participant’s phone is kept at a healthy charge.
      Note: Uptime does not indicate how long the app was running on the phone, but how long the phone has been running since it was last turned on.

    4. The “App Loaded” log will look like this:

      These logs will describe when the participant opens the Insight app and what version the app is on. These logs are a good indication of whether or not the participant had the app running in the background the whole time.

    5. The participant’s activity will reveal one of three typical Missed Assessment cases:

      1. Case 1: The participant missed the assessment.

        Observations: In the example above, we a Fixed notification, “Wake Offset Tester” was scheduled for the PT at 08:15. We see the app was running in the background (based on the Uptime logs) prior to the Fixed notification and as well as the App Loaded log matching the notification time for the Fixed notification.
        Analysis: This indicates that the phone did indeed notify the participant, but perhaps the participant didn’t have their phone with them or they were busy; perhaps the notification volume and/or vibration was too low for the participant to notice; perhaps the participant had their phone on silent.
        Resolution: Verify with the participant their notification volume and vibration are turned up.

      2. Case 2: The Insight app was not running in the background.

        Observations: In the example above, we see the participant missed a Fixed, Random, and Follow Up and none of the scheduled assessments have a notification time. Notice the lack of Uptime logs prior and in between each of the scheduled assessments and the last App Loaded log was at 10:06, a full hour before the “Fixed Tester F” assessment.
        Analysis: This indicates that the phone did not have the app running in the background. This may be due to the participant or their phone force closing the Insight app; perhaps the notification or unrestricted battery permissions weren’t set up properly; perhaps the phone was turned off, either due to low power or by the participant themselves which will look like this:

        Note: The Phone shut down, Android Shutdown, and Phone power on will sometimes not be recorded in the CMS database, so it’s important to also look at the Uptime logs to see if the phone was perhaps near 0%.
        Resolution: Ensure the participant has no app killers, the Insight app has the unrestricted battery permission set correctly, the participant isn’t closing the app by mistake, and that the participant keeps a healthy charge on their phone to ensure they are notified of their assessments.

      3. Case 3: The Do Not Disturb setting (and settings similar) was turned on.

        Observations: In the example above, we see the participant has some missed assessments with no notification times. Additionally, we can also see Uptime logs prior and in between each of the notifications as well as a lack of App Loaded logs.
        Analysis: This activity indicates that the Do Not Disturb setting, or a similar setting like Bedtime or Schedules in the Do Not Disturb sub menu, was turned on; this can also indicate that the notification permission was changed or set up incorrectly; perhaps the participant has another app running in the foreground preventing the Insight app from sending notifications; or perhaps the participant has another ParticipantInitiated assessment open interrupting the scheduled assessment from notifying; perhaps the participant had an ongoing call when the assessment was supposed to notify.
        Resolution: Ensure the participant has their Do Not Disturb setting turned off as well as any setting similar to Do Not Disturb (each phone is different and may have unique settings that are similar to Do Not Disturb), ensure the participant’s notification setting on the phone is set up correctly, and ensure the participant isn’t constantly opening ParticipantInitiated assessments when scheduled assessments are supposed to notify. If the participant is using a study phone, advise the participant to close all apps other than the Insight app. If the participant is using their personal phone, there is not much we can do to prevent the participant from having other apps or phone calls interrupting the Insight app.

    6. Special case: Follow-Up assessments

      1. Follow-Up assessments should be scheduled at least fifteen (15) minutes after the original assessment. Scheduling Follow-Up assessment to be less than that may result in the assessment not being prompted on time.

  5. Verify the geographical location of the participant during the assessment. Participants in rural areas may have additional issues such as a lack/weak WiFi or data network connection or access to an electrical outlet for charging.

  6. Verify the participant’s history within the study.

    1. Participant’s have the right to refuse to take assessments at any time during the study; in addition to, they are allowed to stop the study at any time for any reason.

    2. If a participant has a history of turning off the phone, dismissing assessments, or starting and stopping assessments prematurely, they could be considered noncompliant. It is recommended to reach out to the participant to better understand their engagement with the app that the CMS Activity tab cannot disclose.

Notification Times

Typically the Activity Tab in the Content Management System will show the same time in the ‘scheduled’ and ‘notified' column; however, it is not unusual for the participant to be notified a few minutes to 15 minutes later than the scheduled time. The notified time is out of mHealth’s control as it is based on the phones background settings and operation system. In extreme cases the notified column will display a time 30 minutes after the scheduled.

What to do if double assessments are scheduled for a participant

  1. (Time zone) when assessments appear to be scheduled twice after moving from one time zone to another.

    1. If you do not want the duplicate assessments to appear, submit a ticket through our Service Desk; mHealth will remove the double assessments.

  2. (Sleep time changed) when the same assessment appears to be scheduled twice after changing a participants sleep schedule. This can be prevented if a Stage Reset is performed (see below topic “How to change a participant’s sleep and waking times”). The participant is not being notified twice of the same assessment, but rather the CMS remembers the old and new assessment schedule simultaneously.

    1. If you do not want the duplicate assessments to appear, submit a ticket through our Service Desk; mHealth will remove the double assessments.

How to change a participant’s sleep and waking times

  1. Select the particular participant in the Participant tab

  2. Click Schedule, edit necessary category: Wake/Sleep/Preferred > Click Save button in top right corner

  3. Find participant > Click on the Stages tab for that participant

  4. Reset Current Stage, Click Stage dropdown > select the current Stage the participant is in > Click Reset to the far right

    1. The CMS will show double assessments after changing a participants sleep time because it is recognizing the old and new sleep schedule; however, the participant will only be notified of assessments based on the new sleep schedule. If you do not want the duplicate assessments to appear, submit a ticket through our Service Desk; mHealth will remove the double assessments. Duplicate assessments will appear only in the Stage the participant’s sleep time was changed.

What to do if the participant changed time zones and notification times are skewed

If a participant traveled and changed time zones, scheduled events may appear later or earlier than when they should. Have the participant go into their phone to ensure the Automatic Time Zone option is toggled on. This can typically be found in Settings and will often look like this:

Adding events to a stage consecutively

  1. Create and Save the first Event > Click out of the tab > Click back into the Events tab > Find Stage again and open > Create the second Event and Save

How to address Greenphire card(s) not processing

  1. Ensure all Protected Health Information (PHI) fields are filled in.

    1. Required Fields:


  2. Confirm the ‘State’ field is in the abbreviation format

    1. For example, ‘Oklahoma’ must be input as ‘OK’.

Failure to use the correct format results in the card(s) failing to process.

Removing double events from participant display

  1. If a study team created an Event that they no longer want to appear on the app, remove the group(s) from that specific Event.

    • If you create an Event before the study begins, you have the option to delete the Event by selecting the red trashcan beside it.

Do not delete the Event as this will result in deletion of previously collected data.

Ensuring no duplicates appear in the CMS

Pressing “Save” multiple times saves duplicates of the newly created item (events, questions, assessments)

  1. To verify correct changes: Select Save once, navigate to a different tab or refresh the page > Navigate back to the original tab with recent edits.

    1. Delete the duplicates by selecting the red trashcan beside the item.

Inputting branching logic in the CMS

Copying and Pasting formulas have the potential to carry over hidden characters or HTML tags that are not seen in web browsers especially in Microsoft Word. Below are a couple recommendations to utilize instead to avoid hidden characters:

  1. Type in the formula for branching logic instead of copying and pasting formulas.

  2. Use Notepad to copy and paste formulas because there are no hidden characters.

Why does a participant’s Facial Recognition analysis still say “Pending” after X amount of days?

mHealth uses a 3rd-party service to compare the picture taken during a Face Verification question and the Baseline photo of the participant. Since this is a 3rd-party service, we cannot guarantee that mHealth is the only customer utilizing this service and, in turn, we cannot guarantee a timeline of when comparisons will return a value. In general, Facial Recognition values can be processed as soon as 3 hours and may take as long as 3 days or more.

App FAQs

How to manually update to the latest Insight app version

  1. On the phone, find the Google Play Store app and select it

  2. > Find the Search bar “Search for apps & games”

  3. > Select the Three Horizontal Lines to the left

  4. > The screen will slide to the right > Select My apps and games

  5. Find Insight mHealth Platform and select Update

  6. > After updating, Scroll down to “Recently Updated” > Find Insight mHealth Platform and select Open

    1. The majority of participants' phones will automatically update as it is the default setting.

Allowing permissions

  1. Allow all permissions once the Insight app is downloaded.

If all permissions are not allowed, the app will not work.

What to do if “Start Study” does not disappear from the app home screen

  1. (Start Study *Ends at Midnight): the Start Study button will disappear at midnight on the day the assessment is answered.

    1. If you want the Start Study button to disappear immediately instead, unselect the *Ends at Midnight box. This change will be implemented for all participants.

How to resolve app freezes

  1. Turn off the phone > Turn on the phone

  2. If the above does not work, force close the Insight app with the following link.

How to address assessments notifying later than expected

Occurs when an assessment is scheduled 30 minutes or more later than expected.

  1. Participant initiated event: If a participant taps a Participant initiated event during a scheduled event, the scheduled event will be pushed back to a later time. The phone reschedules the assessment 30 minutes after the initial scheduled time.

    1. For example, if the scheduled assessment is at 4:00 pm and the participant has a participant initiated event in progress during that time, the scheduled assessment will reschedule to 4:30 pm. The rescheduling happens because the phone recognizes an assessment is in progress. Please see an example of this below.

This will happen every time a participant initiated assessment is in progress during a scheduled assessment.

Before: ‘Evening Report’ Assessment scheduled for 16:00.

After: Participant Initiated assessment logged before and during 16:00; ‘Evening Report’ reschedules to 16:30.

Other FAQs

How to request a change to a project

If a study request is determined by mHealth to be a Change Request instead of maintenance to an existing feature, research teams will fill out the Change Request Form provided below.

Submit the completed form to mHealth for review through Service Desk; it is mHealth's discretion to determine the possible timeframe of the requested change to mHealth Insight, Outsight, or Content Management System (CMS) Insight.



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