Create an Account
Create an Account
An account allows a user access to studies once they are IRB and PI approved.
Need an account? Create one here! Register - mHealth SSO
Validation is used to ensure that password requirements are met.
Password Requirements
Once the account has been created, an email for verification will be sent.
Verification Email
The included link in the verification email will direct you to the login page.
Login Page
Once the new user has logged in, there will be a blank home page if the user has not yet been added to any studies.
Home Page
If there have not been prior arrangements with the mHealth team for creating the study, reach out to the Support Desk by submitting a Support Ticket to create a new study. Instructions on how to submit a Support Ticket can be viewed below or by accessing the link.
Please note that billing will initiate once access to the EDC is granted.
Submitting a Support Ticket
Once the study has been created. Log out, then log back into the EDC. The EDC website may prompt for permission.
Prompt for Permission
Click “Yes“ to allow the Insight platform to communicate with the network system.
Once login credentials and permissions are set up, Insight EDC will provide access to available studies on the left had side of the screen (below).
Changes can be made to one study at a time. Changes include revisions to study settings, adding groups, registering participants, adding questions or assessments, and any other changes to the study design via a supported web browser.
Please note that any changes made after the study starts may interfere with study behaviors. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Changing a variable name may cause errors in Calculated Field questions or cause display/end formula logic to no longer function correctly if the name is not updated in their respective fields.
Adding/Removing/Editing questions, assessments, components, or stages may affect previously collected data.
Changes that are made in the EDC may not reflect on participant phones if they do not have a stable Wi-Fi or data connection for syncing, affecting data collection.
Renaming questions, assessments, components, or stages will change their respective names in future reports, and may conflict with previously generated reports.
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