Question Types
Question Types
Available Question Types
Create a Question
A question in Insight can be a payment log, instructions, or other types of items.
To add a question, click on the “+ Add a New Question” button located in the question tab.
Questions can also be searched by question name, question text/description, or by question type by using the search bar at the top of the page.
Please note, there are requirements when naming the question variable:
The first character must be a letter (i.e., the variable name cannot start with a number or special character).
Must not contain any special characters, but underscores are allowed (i.e., the variable name cannot contain characters such as ! @ # $, etc.)
Spaces are prohibited when naming a variable, please use underscores if spaces are desired (i.e., use [baseline_instructions] and NOT [baseline instructions]).
The bottom left of the question dialog box has a checkbox labeled “Create another Question”. Turning this on will open an empty question dialog box after saving the current question.
Edit a Question
To edit an existing question, click on the edit icon button next to the question.
Cloning a Question
Cloning or copying a question is possible by clicking “Clone” within the questions tab. Cloning a question creates an identical copy of a question which makes creation of similar questions quick and easy.
After clicking on “Clone,” a dialog box will appear asking to continue with cloning the question.
After cloning the question, the question will appear in the list of created questions with “Copy” attached to the end of the question. The name of the question can be changed by clicking the edit icon. Simply change the question name and question text and save.
Deleting a Question
If you attempt to delete a question when the question is in an assessment, a dialog box will appear warning the question is in an assessment. If the question is not in an assessment, no dialog box will appear.
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