Button List
Button List
Similar to the Radio question type, the Button List question type creates a menu of options/buttons with each response assigned a value. When creating an assessment, the response value can be used in conjunction with branching logic to display/trigger another question type (e.g., Text Field, Radio, Slider, Rich Text, Message Bins, etc.).
Button List Example
This particular example shows how a content library can be incorporated into a button list. This participant initiated assessment content library example is named “Helpful Quit Tips,” in which the participant can choose what set of tips they wish to view.
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The set of tips includes the following buttons “General Quitting Advice,” “Benefits of Quitting,” “ Ways to Cope with Urges,” and “Ways to Cope with Stress” (shown below). Clicking on one of these buttons will present the participant with a series of messages with the option to repeat.
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The helpful tips content library can be setup by first creating a button list question type. This will hold the text that is shown on the button. Enter a variable name and select button list in the list of available question types. Fill in the remaining fields and select “Next” to enter response options presented to the participant.
Name the buttons in the responses section and assign values. In this example, the values will be used to determine which message bin will be presented to the participant after a button has been selected.
This example has 4 tip buttons, with the variable names being “advice,” “benefits,” “urges,” and “stress,” that will be included for the participant to select.
Next, create the message bin question type for each button that will be included in the content library. Type a variable name and select the message bin question type.
Next, enter text and a description that the participant will see on their device. The order of message bins can be reordered and if additional space is needed for the text or description, the boxed can expand by clicking and dragging to the desired size.
Repeating bins will allow the tips to continuously cycle, meaning once the last tip is presented the message bin will return to the first tip. If repeating bins are desired, check the “Repeating” box in the next settings section.
Continue to create the remaining three message bins for “benefits,” “urges,” and “stress,” the same way as “advice.”
The tips for “advice” will look similar to the following:
After the button list question type and message bin question types have been created, there are a couple more steps to complete the quit tips content library.
This content library will be presented as a button in the Insight app. Once this assessment button is selected, the button list will be presented where the participant can chose what tips they would like to view.
The next step is to create an assessment.
The assessment questions section will add the message bin questions to the assessment.
Display logic is used to present the participant specific tips they selected.
If button 1 is selected the participant will receive the “advice” message bin.
If button 2 is selected the participant will receive the “benefits” message bin.
If button 3 is selected the participant will receive the “urges” message bin.
If button 4 is selected the participant will receive the “stress” message bin.
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