When used in an assessment, the payment question type will trigger a payment (amount set by research design) and record the event in the participant's payment activity tab.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Payment question type and the Payment Log question type are NOT the same. Please see the Payment Log question type page for further information and how to implement a Payment Log question: https://mhealthotrc.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BIBArg .
Payment questions triggered will appear in a Payment Log using the Regular, WithComponentName, WithPaymentSchemeLevelName, WithPaymentSchemeName, or WithQuestionTitle Payment Log Type setting.
Start by creating a question and selecting “Payment” as the question type.
The next form allows you to set an amount to be paid to the participant.
When this question is added to an assessment and triggered, a payment record will generate in the participants payment’s tab.
In order for a participant to encounter a payment question, it MUST be included in an assessment. Even though a payment question has been created in the study, a log of payment creation will not generate if it’s not in an assessment.
Please note that participants will not see a screen that they encountered a payment question.
In this example, two $5 dollar payments were created (below). The bottom payment has been marked as paid and the top payment has not been marked as paid.
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