Payment Log

Payment Log

Allows the participant to see the payments they earned from a Percentage Payment Scheme or from encountering Payment question types.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Payment Question type and the Payment Log question type are NOT the same. Please see the Payment question type page for further information and how to implement a Payment question: https://mhealthotrc.atlassian.net/wiki/x/zIAyrQ .

The first thing to do when creating a payment log is to create a payment log question type. When creating a payment log question type, select “Payment Log” from the list of available question types and fill in the variable name.


In the settings section, select the payment log type.


After the payment log question type has been created, it can be added to an assessment such as a participant-initiated component. Additional information on a participant-initiated component can be found at Stages | Creating a Participant Initiated Component .

PercentParticipation Payment Log Type

This Payment Log type will show how much a participant will earn based on the number of completed components in the Percentage Payment Scheme.

More detailed information about the Percentage Payment Scheme can be found on the Payments - Percentage page Payments - Percentage .






Regular Payment Log Type

This Payment Log type will show all the payments a participant will receive or has received, including Payment questions encountered and manually created payments.

The top of the screen shows the amount of payments paid to the participant (labeled with a green check mark and the word “Paid”) and the amount of payments created in total (labeled with the dollar sign and the word “Total”).

Each payment has a status of the payment (if it’s been created, paid or cancelled), a date of when the payment was created, and a dollar value of the payment created.

The “Show Status Legend” shows what the symbol for the status of the payment means.














WithComponentName Payment Log Type

This Payment Log type is similar to the Regular Payment Log type, but indicates which component the payment was created from.






WithPaymentSchemeLevelName Payment Log Type

Under Review

WithPaymentSchemeName Payment Log Type

Under Review

WithQuestionTitle Payment Log Type

This Payment Log type is similar to the Regular Payment Log type, but indicates the name of the payment question it came from.






Payment Progress

After creating the desired Payment Log question(s), payment progress can then be viewed in the app for completed assessments by following these steps: 1) creating an assessment (or adding the question type to an already created assessment), and 2) creating a self-initiated schedule so that it will appear on the participant’s device.


Part 1 of 2: Create Assessment

To create a new assessment, click “+ Add New Assessment” in the assessments tab.


Complete the required fields and click “Next” to save.

Assessment Timeout (minutes) Allows studies to customize how long a specific assessment can be; when using Add/Edit/Clone Assessment operations.

After confirming, the next section of form will allow you to add the assessment question called “PaymentProgress” to this assessment. To select this question, click the dropdown and a list of questions that have been created will appear. After selecting the question, click the “Done” button to ensure the question saved.


After adding the question, click “Save” to create the assessment.


The newly created assessment will appear in the list of created assessments.



Part 2 of 2: Create Component

After creating the assessment, a component needs to be created within a stage.

To get started, click on the add component icon.


A dialog box will appear with fields that need to be completed, select participant initiated. This will create a button on the app home screen. Select the assessment previously created named “Payment Log Example” and select groups that should receive the participant initiated assessment.



When you click “Next,” a confirmation dialog box will appear. Select “Yes” to save and continue.

The next section allows an assessment to prompt or be available on any selected days. Clicking on the blank field for “Days of the week” will populate a list of days that can be selected. In this example, the payment log can only be viewed Monday through Friday.


A shortcut to selecting all days, selecting all weekdays, or selecting only weekends can be utilized by clicking on “Actions.”


Maximum daily attempts are the number of times a participant can view/access the assessment. Interval total attempts are the total number of attempts an assessment can be viewed/accessed per stage. For this example, the payment log can be viewed a total of ten times in the participant’s current stage.


After completing the scheduling details, the newly created component will appear under the stage it was created.


Clicking “+“ expands, showing schedule details such as days of the week, maximum daily attempts, and maximum total attempts.


To make any edits, simply click on the edit icon for the specific schedule you would like to edit.

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